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December 3, 2021

Prettier, React Redux Releases and More - Frontend News 23


Tomasz Krajewski

Head of Frontend

Olga Vasylenko

Marketing Specialist
Prettier, React Redux Releases and More - Frontend News 23

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Bad news. Chris is not here today. Good news: I'm here today! My name is Olga and this is Frontend News.
You probably may know Olga from the Experts Talks, I believe. Yes. She's our specialist from a marketing standpoint and she's really great. And what she's doing. So let's say “Hi” and let's do a warm welcome for Olga. Welcome to the frontend news.
Thank you!
How do you feel? Is it good on the opposite side of the camera?
It's great. Great start of the week.
Great. So how was your weekend? What were you doing at weekend?
My weekend was very energized because I watched Harry Potter all weekend...
So do you know any spells, magic spells that will help us? Maybe to change the weather to put the sun in the sky, because now it's grey outside.
No, I can't change the weather, but I can present the agenda today.
Yeah. So let's move to the agenda. Really. Nice move. So what's the first news in our agenda today?
The first is Remix.
Great. The second one will be about virtual findings.
The first one is Pretiier Release.
And the first one is about to React Redux version 8. And this is still the beta release. But let's check what's in.
But first, let's watch the intro. Tommy, what’s the first news?

Remix - React based framework

The first news is about Remix. And the most important fact is that Remix went to open source. We can use this tool, this framework without any payments. In the past, it was sponsored framework too. And now it's open to the public. So that's great news. And Remix is a full-stack web framework that lets you create very fast, very performant web applications that have the user interface and user experience in mind. The main reason why would you like to use Remix is the fact that thanks to this framework, you can eliminate almost all the Loading States on our website.

So instead of seeing this spinner slotting states with the description that just please wait. We are fetching data, blah blah blah. You will receive the fully rendered document. It's almost like Next.js or Gatsby. The same mechanism, I would say.
For me as a marketing person, co-optimization is really important and I wanted to ask how it works in this system.
Yeah. So this is a great question, actually, in terms of SEO, there is a lot of problems with SPA applications. If you are not using any kind of server-side rendering or server-side generation - server static site generation, I would say, it's really hard to work well with the SEO and in fact, Remix deliver the fully rendered document to the user. So the SEO is at a really great level of usability, and it's really easy for you to hook in and to work on SEO and deliver really well-positioned websites, applications as you want.
Cool! That's it for the first news?

Vercel funding

Yeah, I think that's it, guys. So if you are interested, just check the Remix website and link as always in the description. Exactly. We can move to the second one, which is about first. So we were going to speak about money and we love to speak about money. So the second news is Vercel funding. So we are going to speak about money! Vercel team announced that they received over 50,000,000 for funding. Yes. And their value is over 2.5 billion dollars. So Vercel will become really huge, an enormous software company that has an impact on a really great part of the whole web.

Yeah, I did find the info on how they want to spend their money and there are a few areas that they want to cover. So at first, they're going to put their money to support open source projects. Vercel team wants to cooperate with the whole community to give the tools and possibility to create the open-source software and plugins and libraries and frameworks and get them on their best levels as they can be on the web. So in addition to creating and maintaining Next.js, which is like the main software for the Vercel team, they also put some money in open libraries and popular frameworks like Nox.js, Astra, Webpack, bug Bubble, Next Alpha just to support the team and to help them develop these tools and get a better level.

Most recently, I spoke about it in the previous news, Rich Harris has joined the Vercel team and he's the creator of Svelte, which is a really great open-source, powerful framework to build our web applications. I'm really curious where they will go with Svelte in Vercel. I'm going to keep my eye on it. The second area that they want to invest in is to make the Web Edge first. And last month the Vercel team released the Edge functions that unlocks the ability to run normally complex personalization without performance implications on the client-side burden.

It means that we can have some part of middleware and customize our set of data with Edge functions without creating our own server and taking care of the whole deployment. Edge functions can be really useful, but still, they are in the beta version.

Okay. So the third thing is to build an end to the end development platform. So it's not only about Next.js and the framework to work with the code and implementation, but also to deliver the tools and the system that will handle the whole process, like from start to the end from the very first implementation to the end of the deployment to deliver it somewhere in the cloud or somewhere on the Internet and deliver it to the users. They expanded their capabilities with their own rules for the features like preview deployment or Next.js Live to unlock the potential for everyone to join in the development process.

So you don't have to be really great DevOps to be able to take control over the process or at least take a look inside the process and how it looks like. Some kind of automatization in our work. And the fourth area is just to grow the Vercel team.
So many areas.
Yes, of course, they will put money in more of the areas. But the growing team is also very important. That's another place they want to invest. So that's all about the Vercel I have prepared today.
Thank you. And it means that it is time for the fourth news.
No, it's third news.

Prettier new release

Third news. Let's not skip the third news. I know you want to hear about React Redux. Yeah, but before that, let's speak about the Prettier release. So prettier gets new release version 2.5, opinionated code formatter, which helps with consistent style. The most important fact is that it will support the TypeScript 4.5 and MDX v2 common syntax. And that's the most valuable thing about the new Prettier release. I believe you guys using this tool to work on the common style for your projects and don't care about it at all. It will be fixed automatically without your effort. So that's great. I miss something in this news.
Did you? I don’t think so. What about my favorite fourth news, right?
Yes. Your favorite fourth news. I know you're waiting.

React Redux v8 beta

What’s about React Redux?
Okay, so we have the new beta version of the React Redux. It's v8. So the most important update for the React Redux is that the conversion of the code base has been moved to TypeScript. Finally, you do not have to fetch the types - React Redux inside your project because it will be there. Yes, I was waiting for it because you know, react redux hooks...
Congratulations, everybody.
Congratulations, React Redux team. Because, Olga, it was really hard if you were using TypeScript in your projects and include the libraries that were not using TypeScript, so cooperating between those two are pretty hard. You have to fetch extra stuff to make it work and blah, blah, blah, own components. A lot of work that you can do anything else at the same time. For example, get a mug of coffee and spend it with your friends and drink the coffee.
Why not?
This is what the developers do the most time. Come on. You do not drink coffee.
No, the marketing team works all the time.
I see her all the time. You're spending all the time in the kitchen, speaking with the people and you're doing videos, doing recording, speaking with the people all the time with the coffee. And you tell me that the developers are not working.
That’s my work! You know, I don't want to continue this topic because I can offend somebody!
Just kidding. Just kidding. Olga and the whole marketing team do a great job. So, yeah, developers are lazy. No, I'm lazy. Just me!
Okay, you guys are cool!
Cool. So next thing, use of React new use Sync external store. And this is the new API for React 18 that has been included in the newest React Redux 2. So removal of unused legacy APIs like Connect advance, the peer option for Connect, returning store's dispatch method. This is something that has been deprecated and finally removed from the API, modernization of Build Artifacts compilation. And these four things are like the most important breaking changes inside the React Redux store. And if you want to check more, redux documentation authors, in the link in the description
And that's it for today?
Yes, Olga, you are awesome. I love doing news with you. So sorry, Chris, but I think we are going to switch.
Thank you, Tommy, for great preparation today and see you soon.
Yeah. See you next time, guys. Thank you, Olga.
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I hope you will like it and see you soon. Bye.
Bye. Bye, guys. Thank you.

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Meet our hosts


Tomasz Krajewski

Head of Frontend

I'm Senior JS Developer with more than 8 years of practice and specialize in creating the software architecture and implementing advanced solutions in JS and RoR.


Olga Vasylenko

Marketing Specialist

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